Corporate Peon: Randomest of All

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Randomest of All

I don't really feel like writing right now. I do, but I don't. It's like everything with me - cleaning, homework, etc. I just want it done, and want it to be good, but the thought of actually doing it wears me down.

But, the cleaning has commenced! I've been rocking out to really loud Prince (I AM a sexy muthafucka) and busting ass. So far, some dishes have been done, lots of trash thrown out, lots of rotten food thrown out, and the kitchen cleaned. It's a start.

The reason for the cleaning is that I invited my folks down here on Sunday. Not that I didn't see them a few weeks ago, or won't see them in a week, but dad will hook up some contraption so I can have curtains (the damn blinds take up all the room for a normal curtain rod) and I did see a bakers rack at TJs that I think I want and can't fit into my own car. Whew, long sentence.

It was an absolutely beautiful day here. My division had an 'outing' at the local horse track. The sun was beating down like it was getting paid to do so! It was so nice, to be in the sun, with a slight breeze, drinking a cool drink, just chatting with people and relaxing. Not to mention, it got me out of work for the afternoon, which was welcome. Tomorrow will be a busy day.

So, yes, I realize that this post is about nothing in particular. There are some things on my mind - some deep, dark things - but I generally have a hard time sharing them. And I know you, readers, won't judge or shame me, but I don't quite have them figured out in my own head yet. Writing would perhaps help with that, but putting words to these thoughts would somehow make them 'real' and that's not necessarily something I'm ready to deal with. So, until then, I'll keep up my ramblings about my petty life and my pity parties and try to do it with some wit and charm and perhaps some T&A to keep you folks entertained.

Good night, all.

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