Corporate Peon: The True Story...

Monday, December 19, 2005

The True Story...

My hours of TV watching this weekend included episode after episode of MTV's NEXT! I know I've gotten old when I watch shows like that and wonder, 'What would their parents think????'

of seven strangers...

After all that fluffy TV I needed some substance. Thank god "The Real World Austin" reunion show was on. That cast did not like each other. Danny & Melinda (Mel Pop-a-Squat, per a nickname) are now engaged. I'm doubting he spent one single penny on the flashy engagement ring, carriage ride, strawberries, roses, or champagne. Yeah, that's the real world alright.

picked to live in a house...

You'd think I was done with crap TV, but my tolerance for fluff will surprise you. I watched "The Real World Austin - The Sh!t They Should Have Shown" at least twice. Boobs, butts, and bimbos - standard fare.

to show what happens when people stop being polite...

And somewhere in between it all, I managed to wrap some presents, buy some more, get a pedicure, do some baking, get a haircut, talk to my sister 83204 times, and do five loads of laundry.

and start being real.

Crap TV - now in Motivation flavor!

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