Corporate Peon: Megan is a Slut

Friday, January 07, 2005

Megan is a Slut

I'm an AOL user. Bash it all you want, but since Pappa Peon foots the bill, I use it for free. That's worth some spam, some unsolicited IMs, and some random disconnects.

Lately, though...the unsolicited IMs have been coming fast and furiously. The majority center around Megan. Here are some of the names s/he has tried to entice me with:








Here's the deal I have going with AOL: Pappa Peon foots the monthly bill for unlimited usage. He & Mamma Peon each have email there, though dad's is his secondary account. Sister Peon has email there also that she uses about 1/2 the time. BIL has email there too that rarely uses. AOL is my ISP right now. Personally, I don't mind AOL. Sure, it has it's problems, but what doesn't?

However, Pappa Peon is considering RoadRunner, which more AOL! Sob. I'll either have to foot the bill myself or upgrade from dial up.

An end of an era, definitely.

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