Corporate Peon: Dear BBB,

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Dear BBB,

I know you said you don't want to lead anyone (me) on, but what about sending mixed signals? Cuz boy, you've got that one down.

Take, for instance, your text message to me today. I didn't ask you to let me know if you landed in Reno safely. I didn't ask to know if your plane took off on time. I didn't ask to know if you even made it to the airport in time for your crack-of-dawn flight.

So why did you let me know?*

You did that when you flew to Maryland, too. That time, I attributed it to the fact that I gave you a ride to the airport. Fine. But...Letting me know that makes me think a) you were thinking of me, b) you wanted me to know you were okay, c) you may have thought I wanted or needed to know you were okay. And while I certainly don't want harm to find you...I ask, with complete seriousness...what the fuck?

You've said you don't want to date me. I'm (at times) okay with that. So, please, stop acting like there's more to this than a friendship.

This doesn't change the fact that you're serious eye candy, but please - cut a girl loose, would you?

Thanks, have fun, and I'll see you at the office on Thursday.


*Unless you also called your mother and your friends in town who weren't on the plane with you. If that's the case, then please tear up this note, burn the pieces, and then bury them in your yard.

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